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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tart Cherry Juice Benefits

Tart cherries, Prunus Cerasus, are popularly known as sour cherries. People best know cherries as ingredients of jams, pies, main courses, salads and beverages. They are very juicy and acidic in nature. They are a popular cooking item in many households. Tart cherries are loaded with important nutrients which are a symbol of a healthy immune system. Since childhood, I have loved eating tart cherries and today, I am going to enlist the various tart cherry juice benefits.

Health Benefits of Tart Cherry Juice

This healthy fruit juice can be very helpful in treating various health disorders. It keeps the body hydrated and its high antioxidant content eliminates large sources of free radicals in the body. It also reduces inflammation and also acts as a protective agent against a host of other medical conditions.

Offering Important Nutrients
We all know that tart cherries are red in color. Any fruit and vegetable which is red in color is also considered a high source of anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are a type of antioxidant phytochemical which are found in various foods such as apples, red onions, kidney beans, strawberries, beets and cranberries. Anthocyanins ensure a healthy circulation of blood in the body and also act as anti cancer agents.

Reduces Cholesterol
One of the most important tart cherry juice benefits is that it reduces cholesterol levels in the body. It's a well known fact that tart cherries have a high level of antioxidants in them. Not only do they demonstrate anti cancer properties but they also control the level of cholesterol by removing them from the walls of the arteries.

Protection Against Health Ailments
Tart cherry juice concentrate is also very helpful in reducing the risk of diseases like diabetes, cataract, and depression. It's also a good preventive measure against Alzheimer's disease and old age related health problems. Health experts also say that people should eat 20 tart cherries everyday or consume at least 200 ml of fresh tart cherry juice daily. Tart cherry juice is also very effective against gout. Regular consumption of tart cherries or tart cherry juices reduce the pain and swelling because of gout.

Protects from Cancer
In this world of pollution, people inhale intoxicating substances on a daily basis. These pollutants damage the body's immune system to a large extent and bring changes that can lead to cancer. Tart juice makes sure that your body is protected against cancer by giving three great antioxidants (perillyl alcohol, limonene and ellagic acid). Many medical reports claim all of these nutrients are very helpful in fighting breast cancer, skin cancer and cancer of the lungs and kidneys.

Encourages Sleep
Rising competition has increased stress in everyone's life. With this stress and tension, people sleep for less hours which has a direct effect on their health. Health reports all over the world claim that tart cherry is very beneficial for healthy sleeping pattern. Drinking the tart cherry juice for sleep once in the morning and evening ensures a healthy sleeping pattern and also reduces the severity of insomnia.

Prevents Muscle Damage
Tart cherry juice prevents muscle damage and also speeds up muscle recovery. Many health science journals recommend tart cherry juice for athletes and people who are fitness freaks. People who lift heavy weights are prone to muscle damage and its necessary that tart cherry juice remains an important part of their diet.

When you talk about the nutritional value of tart cherry juice then 1 glass of tart cherry juice contains 110 calories. The highest nutrient content is potassium which is 280mg. Then comes sodium 20mg, carbohydrates 27g and proteins 1g. I hope, you've found this information on tart cherry juice health benefits was an interesting read and you will surely take advantage of this wonderful fruit juice.


  1. Thanks for this post
    I have noticed that you didnt mention all of the tart cherry juice benefits..
    See more here:

  2. Nice information shared....
    Follow the link to proceed Cherries Nutritional Benefits
