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Friday, February 18, 2011

Easy methods to Have Proper Nutrition

Whenever we discuss Proper Nutrition, food is definitely the first word will give thought to, right? The food we eat and use on daily basis, but do everyone know of the significance of proper food and nutrition to our health? The reality is, eating lifestyles and needed nutrients varies individually for each person so all have to know and become well-informed what proper nutrition is about.
Food is the most basic necessity for human survival as humans require nutrients to maintain the bodily needs in order to have great health and function correctly. Food composes important nourishment such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins or minerals needed to produce energy, replenish old cells, rouse growth and maintain homeostatic life and this nutrient derives from other living organisms like plants and animals or products from both, and to have the capacity to obtain all these nutrients is to eat a balance diet, if not, your body will develop nutrient deficiency.
To comprehend better we must are aware of the difference of macronutrients from micronutrients and Macronutrients are nutrients that are consumed by humans in hefty quantities and categorised into smaller substances through digestion and supply bulk energy and are consists of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
Carbohydrate - The main source of energy for housing strength for human body that are made of units of sugar.
Fats - saves energy, provide insulation to the body and aid in the transmission of nerve impulses as they are generally triesters of glycerol and fatty acids.
Proteins - acts as enzymatic catalyst which provide the building material for the growth and repair of tissue. Amino acids are classified into two groups; essential and non- essential amino acid. Essential amino acid - are the ones we must obtain in our diet, because our body can't make them. Non essential amino acid - are the ones our body can produce and manufacture.
While on the other hand, micronutrients are nutrients required by humans and other living things throughout life in tiny quantities, in which the organism itself cannot manufacture such as vitamins and minerals.
Vitamins - are nutrients called for in small amounts by an organism which has diverse biochemical roles that are essential to our health.
Minerals - are important nutrients for growth and maintenance of structures of our body.
Tips on how to obtain proper Nutrition:
Note: Eat smart; opt for healthy and nutritious food.
Eat at regular intervals to keep sugar levels stable, skipping meals won't do any good.
Drink adequate amount of water, aim for 6-8 glass of water, this will keep you hydrated.
Eat a lot of fish like tuna and mackerel as they contain omega 3 oil.
It is not necessary to avoid meat in our diet, instead eat only the leaner part.
Eat lots of vegetables and fruits as this will aid digestion and nourish the body.
Buy probiotics as this will help in restoring good bacteria in our body that aids in digestion.
Buy low fat versions of dairy products such as milk and cheese as dairy products are high source of fat and cholesterol contents, but provide nutritional benefits.
Avoid alcohol and nicotine from cigarette smoking.
Avoid as much as possible processed foods, especially junk food.
Exercise regularly; exercise helps and enhances physical fitness and over all health and wellness.
Get plenty of sleep and relaxation to minimize fatigue and stress.
Practice Good hygiene as regular Bathing and Hand washing reduces the risk of getting sick.
Take food and vitamin supplements because this will aid in maintaining good functioning of the body.
Health is wealth so if you wish to be rich, eat the right kind of food to have Proper Nutrition.

1 comment:

  1. There are simple methods to have proper nutrition. You just have to eat the right food, exercise and take necessary supplements such as lorna vanderhaeghe.
